Twilight Imperium Assistant
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have a question that isn't answered here.
Post the question on GitHub or send me a message on Reddit and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Q: How do I use this app ?
Display the Main Screen or Objective View on a larger screen that everyone at the table can view. All the players can join the game by using the game ID or scanning the QR code.

Play the game, tracking information as you go. All information can be input using the main screen, and players can input their information on the various faction pages.

Q: Do I have to record everything during a game ?
Nope! There's a couple bits of information that are required to run the assistant, but everything else is optional. The more information you put in, the more helpful the assistant will be and the more information will be present in the game log.

Q: Why can't I click the "Advance to Phase" button ?
The assistant locks the button to prevent accidental clicks before the phase is completed. If you'd like to move on without recording what happened, click the 🔒 to unlock the button.

Q: Something is broken/wrong/didn't do what I expected
If you're in the middle of a game, try refreshing the page to see if that fixes it. Regardless of whether it does or not, file a bug report or ask a question on GitHub, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.